

linux lite

Linux lite is a nice lightweight linux distro for old computers and it's based on ubuntu 12.04lts.
If you try it you'll realize that it has terminal commands as a shortcuts in order to: get 3rd party applications, update, install codecs etc.

So lots of the functions are being done from the terminal. You shouldn't worry if you're not good with commands etc, as i said it has shortcuts, that means once you click on a shortcut (e.g to download security fixes) and the terminal opens, the command was already given.. the only thing you should do is to type your password and let it finish... nothing more!
The graphical user interface you'll be using is XFCE 4.8
Ofcourse as any other distro it comes with some programs preinstalled, more specifically: linux lite comes with VLC media player, Gparted, LibreOffice, XChat IRC client, Firefox with flash and adblock, openjdk java, Gimp editor and more.

Download page:
Community page: here


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