

The oldest Metropolis on Earth was built by the Anunnaki!

The following discovery is of immense importance in our quest to find the TRUE human history. The article's author, Dan Eden, made a very fine job presenting the truth so I will mostly keep it as is. Of course, I will bring additions and connect the dots. This story will take you in a long journey, spanning for 450,000 years, interlocking events and puzzling together our financial history. Relax and enjoy!

Ancient Human Metropolis Found in Africa 
By Dan Eden for viewzone.com and Alexander Light for HumansAreFree.com

They have always been there. People noticed them before. But no one could remember who made them -- or why? Until just recently, no one even knew how many there were. Now they are everywhere -- thousands -- no, hundreds of thousands of them! And the story they tell is the most important story of humanity. But it's one we might not be prepared to hear. 

Something amazing has been discovered in an area of South Africa, about 150 miles inland, west of the port of Maputo. It is the remains of a huge metropolis that measures, in conservative estimates, about 1500 square miles. It's part of an even larger community that is about 10,000 square miles and appears to have been constructed -- are you ready -- from 160,000 to 200,000 BCE! 

The title image is a close-up view of just few hundred meters of ladscape took with Google-Earth. The region is somewhat remote and the "circles" have often been encountered by local farmers who assumed they were made by some indigenous people in the past. But, oddly, no one ever bothered to inquire about who could have made them or how old they were.
The following pictures have the contrast enhanced to 150% and sharpened to level 7:

This changed when researcher and author, Michael Tellinger, teamed up with Johan Heine, a local fireman and pilot who had been looking at these ruins from his years flying over the region. Heine had the unique advantage to see the number and extent of these strange stone foundations and knew that their significance was not being appreciated. 

"When Johan first introduced me to the ancient stone ruins of southern Africa, I had no idea of the incredible discoveries we would make in the year or two that followed. The photographs, artifacts and evidence we have accumulated points unquestionably to a lost and never-before-seen civilization that predates all others -- not by just a few hundred years, or a few thousand years... but many thousands of years. These discoveries are so staggering that they will not be easily digested by the mainstream historical and archaeological fraternity, as we have already experienced. It will require a complete paradigm shift in how we view our human history. " - Tellinger 

Where it was found: 
The area is significant for one striking thing - GOLD!!! "The thousands of ancient gold mines discovered over the past 500 years, points to a vanished civilization that lived and dug for gold in this part of the world for thousands of years," says Tellinger. "And if this is in fact the cradle of humankind, we may be looking at the activities of the oldest civilization on Earth." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
For this to make sense we have to go back to the Anunnaki: Chronology of events (Part One).

450,000 B.C. Nibiru’s atmosphere begun deteriorating and became hostile to life. Anu dethroned Alalu and came on Terra with a craft. He was searching for GOLD which could be used to repair the damaged atmosphere of Nibiru.
(Our science reached the same conclusions without knowing the Sumerian stories. According to our scientists we can use gold nanoparticles to repair Earth’s damaged ozone layer).

445,000 BC
Anunnaki extraterrestrials landed on Terra and established their base in Eridu, wanting to extractgold from the Persian Gulf. They were led by Enki, one of Anu’s sons.
416,000 BC

The gold production dropped down, which made Anu come to Earth. Together with him came his other son, Enlil. Anu decided the mining to take place in Africa and promoted Enlil in charge of the Terran mission. Enki was sent to Africa!!!

400,000 BC
In Southern Mesopotamia were seven developed villages. The most important were: The “Sipar” Spaceport, The “Nippur” Mission Control Center and the Metallurgy Centre from “Shuruppak”. The ore was transported from Africa in crafts. After the metal was refined it was sent up in the orbit. From there it was loaded in ships, which were constantly coming from Nibiru. Igigi was responsible with the delivery of the finished product.

300,000 BC
The Anunnaki revolted against their masters because the work in the mines was too hard.
(My note: please read “Our true history”. The Anunnaki actually used as slaves in the mines another reptilian race from a planet called Inua - Close to Orion).

Enki and Ninharsag had to find other workers. They took DNA samples from a female ape and after genetic manipulations the first Homo Sapiens were bred. They have been put to work and replaced the Anunnakis. At the same time, Enlil brought primitive workers from Edin, Mesopotamia. Homo Sapiens could procreate so they begun to proliferate.

To see the number and scope of these ruins, I suggest that you use google-earth and start with the following coordinates: 
Carolina:             25 55' 53.28" S / 30 16' 13.13" E

Badplaas:           25 47' 33.45" S / 30 40' 38.76" E

Waterval:             25 38' 07.82" S / 30 21' 18.79" E

Machadodorp:   25 39' 22.42" S / 30 17' 03.25" E

Then perform a low flying search inside the area formed by this rectangle. Simply Amazing!

Remember, we're talking almost 200,000 years ago!

The individual ruins [see below] mostly consist of stone circles. Most have been buried in the sand and are only observable by satellite or aircraft. Some have been exposed when the changing climate has blown the sand away, revealing the walls and foundations.
                                                                      (Contrast 200%, darkened)

"I see myself as a fairly open-minded chap but I will admit that it took me well over a year for the penny to drop, and for me to realise that we are actually dealing with the oldest structures ever built by humans on Earth.

The main reason for this is that we have been taught that nothing of significance has ever come from southern Africa. That the powerful civilizations all emerged in Sumeria and Egypt and other places. We are told that until the settlement of the BANTU people from the north, which was supposed to have started sometime in the 12th century AD, this part of the world was filled by hunter gatherers and so-called Bushmen, who did not make any major contributions in technology or civilization." - Tellinger
A Rich and Diverse History

When explorers first encountered these ruins, they assumed that they were cattle corals made by nomadic tribes, like the Bantu people, as they moved south and settled the land from around the 13th century. There was no previous historical record of any older civilization capable of building such a densly populated community. Little effort was made to investigate the site because the scope of the ruins was not fully known.

Over the past 20 years, people like Cyril Hromnik, Richard Wade, Johan Heine and a handful of others have discovered that these stone structures are not what the seem to be. In fact these are now believed to be the remains of ancient temples and astronomical observatories of lost ancient civilizations that stretch back for many thousands of years. 

These circular ruins are spread over a huge area. They can only truly be appreciated from the air or through modern sattelite images. Many of them have almost completely eroded or have been covered by the movement of soil from farming and the weather. Some have survived well enough to reveal their great size [see above] with some original walls standing almost 5 feet high and over a meter wide in places.
                                                                (Contrast 200%, Sharpened level 5)

Looking at the entire metropolis, it becomes obvious that this was a well planned community, developed by a highly evolved civilization. The number of ancient gold mines suggests the reason for the community being in this location. We find roads -- some extending a hundred miles -- that connected the community and terraced agriculture, closely resembling those found in the Inca settlements in Peru.

But one question begs for an answer -- how could this be achieved by humans 200,000 years ago?
                                                      (Contrast 200%, Sharpened level 3) 

This is what you will see on google-earth at:
25 37'40.90"S / 30 17'57.41E [A].
We are viewing the scene from an altitude of 357 meters.

This is not a "special" location -- just one we picked at random, within the previously described area. It shows artifacts that are everywhere and we encourage you to search the area with this great internet technology.

The circular stone structures are obvious from this view, even though they may not be visible from ground level. Notice that there are many very long roads [B] that connect groups of the circular structures. If you zoom out and follow these "roads" they travel for many miles.

The fact that we can see these structures is mainly because natural erosion has blown away the dirt and debris that has covered them for thousands of years. Once exposed to the wind, the rocks are scoured clean and may appear deceptively new.

If you look closely at what first appears to be empty land [C], you will notice many faint circles, indicating that even more dwellings lurk below the surface. In reality, the entire area is packed full of these structures and connecting roads. 

How was the site dated 

Once the ruins were examined, the researchers were anxious to place the lost civilization in a historical perspective. The rocks were covered with a patina that looked very old but there were no items sufficient for carbon-14 dating. It was then that a chance discovery revealed the age of the site, and sent a chill down the spine of archaeologists and historians!

Astonishing discovery: A massive stone calendar aligned with Orion's belt! 

Finding the remains of a large community, with as many as 200,000 people living and working together, was a major discovery in itself. But dating the site was a problem. The heavy patina on the rock walls suggested the structures were extremely old, but the science of dating patina is just being developed and is still controversial. Carbon-14 dating of such things as burnt wood introduces the possibility that the specimens could be from recent grass fires which are common in the area.

The breakthrough came quite unexpectedly. As Tellinger describes it: 

"Johan Heine discovered Adam's Calendar in 2003, quite by accident. He was on route to find one of his pilots who crashed his plane on the edge of the cliff. Next to the crash site Johan noticed a very strange arrangement of large stones sticking out of the ground. While rescuing the injured pilot from about 20 metres down the side of the cliff, Johan walked over to the monoliths and immediately realised that they were aligned to the cardinal points of Earth - north, south, east and west. There were at least 3 monoliths aligned towards the sunrise, but on the west side of the aligned monoliths there was a mysterious hole in the ground - something was missing.  

After weeks and months of measuring and observations, Johan concluded that it was perfectly aligned with the rise and fall of the Sun. He determined the solstices and the equinoxes. But the mysterious hole in the ground remained a big puzzle. One day, while contemplating the reason for the hole, the local horse trail expert, Christo, came riding by. He quickly explained to Johan that there was a strange shaped stone which had been removed from the spot some time ago. Apparently it stood somewhere near the entrance to the nature reserve.

After an extensive search, Johan found the anthropomorphic (humanoid shape) stone*. It was intact and proudly placed with a plaque stuck to it. It had been used by the Blue Swallow foundation to commemorate the opening of the Blue Swallow reserve in 1994. The irony is that it was removed from the most important ancient site found to date and mysteriously returned to the reserve - for slightly different reasons." 

* For me, the anthropomorphic stone it clearly indicates a non-human being. We know from many cultures (including the African culture that evolved from these places) that the humans were not allowed to depict the reptilians in their true form. So this is the perfect depiction of a reptilian standing next to/looking at the Orion's belt. He clearly is a non-human belonging to the stars.

The exact location of the calendar is listed on www.makomati.com. The first calculations of the age of the calendar were made based on the rise of Orion, a constellation known for its three bright stars forming the "belt" of the mythical hunter.

The Earth wobbles on its axis and so the stars and constellations change their angle of presentation in the night sky on a cyclical basis. This rotation, called the precession completes a cycle about every 26,000 years. By determining when the three stars of Orion's belt were positioned flat (horizontal) against the horizon, we can estimate the time when the three stones in the calendar were in alignment with these conspicuous stars. 
The first rough calculation was at least 25,000 years ago. But new and more precise measurements kept increasing the age. The next calculation was presented by a master archaeoastronomer who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of ridicule by the academic fraternity. His calculation was also based on the rise of Orion and suggested an age of at least 75,000 years. The most recent and most acurate calculation, done in June 2009, suggests an age of at least 160,000 years, based on the rise of Orion - flat on the horizon - but also on the erosion of dolerite stones found at the site.

Some pieces of the marker stones had been broken off and sat on the ground, exposed to natural erosion. When the pieces were put back together about 3 cm of stone had already been worn away. These calculation helped assess the age of the site by calculating the erosion rate of the dolerite.
(In the left corner we can see the anthropomorphic stone depicting the reptilian standing next to Orion's belt. Also notice how tall he is).

If you payed attention to all my articles you will notice a trend. No matter what culture we study, everything goes back to this trio:
1. The Anunnaki Reptilians or other Reptilian/Serpent/Dragon gods;
2. The Orion's Belt;
3. The Pleiades Constellation;

This trio forms a more complex interlocking chain:  Nibiru - Anunnaki - The Ancient Egypt - (now) Africa - The Illuminati worship - Vatican - Orion - Pleiades - Ritualistic worship - Temples and pyramids. 
The truths in South Africa are preserved by Zulu Shamans and passed on from generation to generation. 
David Icke met in his journeys a South African Shaman Zulu named Credo Mutawa. This wonderful person tells the story of the first African gods. They were Reptilian Extraterrestrials who came to Africa to mine gold. Because they needed workers, they genetically created the first human beings as their slaves. They had also interbreed with human women creating a superior race of leaders. These leaders (half blooded kings) were the bridge between the reptilian ETs and the African people. 

Credo Mutawa also had a very old necklace telling the story of their first days on Earth. On the necklace there is a reptilian being that interbreeds with woman, a flying disc (genereically known as UFO), the Star of David (the possible explanation of Wayne Herschel is that the Star of David means, as in Heavens so on Earth. And refers to the Reptilian arrival on Earth.), the Orion's belt and many other figures. 

You can see Credo Mutawa bellow, with a reptilian depiction (as he sees them) and the inherited necklace:
After Icke's interviews, Credo Mutawa was tortured and the necklace stolen. Behind the criminals was a white man that Credo never saw before.

This wonderful person also tells the already well known story (from all other civilizations), that the African people didn't had the right to depict the Reptilians in their reptilian shape. Those who broke this rule were killed by the reptilians.

Again, ALL civilizations have almost the same story. How could thousands of miles apart civilizations have the same stories of our creation and the reptilian gods? 

Is there evidence that mining took place, in southern Africa, during the Old Stone Age? Archaeological studies indicate that it indeed was so. 

Realizing that sites of abandoned ancient mines may indicate where gold could be found, South Africa's leading mining corporation, the Anglo-American Corporation, in the 1970s engaged archaeologists to look for such ancient mines. Published reports (Optima) detail the discovery in Swaziland and other sites in South Africa of extensive mining areas with shafts to depths of fifty feet. Stone objects and charcoal remains established dates of 35,000, 46,000, and 60,000 B.C. for these sites. The archaeologists and anthropologists who joined in dating the finds believed that mining technology was used in southern Africa "during much of the period subsequent to 100,000 B.C." 

In September 1988, a team of international physicists came to South Africa to verify the age of human habitats in Swaziland and Zululand. The most modern techniques indicated an age of 80,000 to 115,000 years. 

Regarding the most ancient gold mines of Monotapa in southern Zimbabwe, Zulu legends hold that they were worked by "artificially produced flesh and blood slaves created by the First People." These slaves, the Zulu legends recount, "went into battle with the Ape-Man" when "the great war star appeared in the sky".
(see Indaba My Children, by the Zulu medicine man Credo Vusamazulu Mutwa). [Genesis Revisited]

I find VERY interesting the following statements from Dan Eden's article:
"It would seem that humans have always valued gold. It is even mentioned in the Bible, describing the Garden of Eden's rivers:

Genesis 2:11 - The name of the first [river] is Pishon; it flows around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold."

"Why would ancient people work so hard to mine gold? You can't eat it. It's too soft to use for tool making. It isn't really useful for anything except ornaments and its physical beauty is on a par with other metals like copper or silver. Exactly why was gold so important to early homo sapiens?"

I've always wanted to write an article in which to explain why the humans always appreciated gold so much, but the article would have been too big and would have involved too much mind-blowing history lessons. But now, in this context, the answer is quite simple and hits the center of the bullseye: "The gold was always valuable to us, because the GODS considered it to be valuable! If they sacrificed so much to extract it, then it HAS to be precious!" This was the base concept that gave the gold so much value in our primitive minds, few hundred thousands years ago. The Anunnaki needed gold to heal their home planet's atmosphere, we wanted gold because they considered it valuable.

I still hear pretty often today the expression: "Gold, the metal of the gods!", but this was probably a very common thing to say back then. We can speculate that after the Anunnaki moved into their underground cities, the humans begun using gold as the supreme currency. 
But looking at our modern history, gold still plays a very important role in the elite's plans.
First of all, the bankers changed the rule which stated that a country's currency should be backed up by gold placed in the treasury. After this move, our money became worthless pieces of paper (or digits on a computer screen) and the bankers had clear access to the gold reserves without anyone to be able to keep them under surveillance.

You should really watch this before going further:
After 2:00 minute you will see how one of the greatest gold robberies in history was set up by the bankers in May 1, 1933!

But the crown of the greatest gold heist in history goes to World Trade Center.
$300 billion in gold bars (bullions) where stolen in 9/11/2001:
To this we can add all the gold treasures took in possession after WWI and II. But where is this gold? Can we speculate that the Reptilians still send gold from Earth to their home planets?

If this is the case, then they have the ultimate schematic to do it. We extract it because it's valuable to us as a jewelry, but we don't consume it in any way. The same extracted quantities of gold are found in the world, but spread between individuals all around the planet, who wear them as jewelery. All they need to do is to collect it from us. After WWI, the Germans were asked to prove their patriotism by donating to the state all the gold they still had, so that the economy would be helped to recover. And they did it! Then, in WWII, Hitler confiscated all the gold that the Jews possessed and all the gold reserves of all the concurred countries. The spoils of war were divided between the US, UK and Russia. After the self inflicted would of 9/11, the US army confiscated Saddam's gold.
So, in the end, the entire gold of the planet is eventually cumulated in one place. But where dose it go from there? 
June 2011 Update
US Federal Reserve Admits: We Have no Gold!


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