
What happened before the Big Bang?: The 11th Dimension!

I have always loved scientific theory but was never very good with mathematics.  I stumbled upon a series of videos on You Tube that are the pieces of a BBC show, Horizons, which is similar to NOVA on PBS.  They did not make sense until I watched them in order, but what they claim is amazing.  Physicists are always trying to find one simple law to explain everything in the universe.  It really began with Isaac Newton and his theory of gravity around 1688.  Newton's three laws of gravity worked very well until science began to explore the movement of atomic particles.  Then, Newton's law began to fall apart.  Einstein's theories of relativity solved the problem for a little while.  However, as we began to look at sub-atomic particles, physicists noticed that they could not with, any certainty, tell the position of a particle.  They kept disappearing and re-appearing.  The history and explanation of how the Big Bang theory and the String theory related to one another is very well and I think for a non-physicist, laid out in this 5 part BBC series on You Tube.  We generally experience 4 dimensions; length, breadth, height, and time.  However, to explain the appearance and disappearance of these atomic and sub-atomic particles, physicists have somehow mathematically proven the existence of 11 dimensions.  Physicists have now decided that the Big Bang was not something appearing out of nothing but rather was the collision of these two membranes in the 11th dimension and as the M theory goes these membranes are constantly bumping into one another creating multiple parallel universes.  It is a rather bizarre theory, yet apparently it can all be "proved" mathematically.  If you want to watch this 5 part series, Parallel Universes, BBC, Horizons, click here. 
        However, even if science can prove where the matter of the Big Bang came from, i.e. from the collision of these two membranes, there is still a problem which they need to explain.  WHERE DID THE TWO MEMBRANES COME FROM?????  This is simply Aquinas's argument of the first cause uncaused.  As physicists they would argue that all these parallel universes may have different physical laws, which we have no way of knowing.  But from a theological point of view, WHERE DID THE MEMBRANES COME FROM?  As Einstein often said, God does not throw dice.  As Aquinas says in Article 3, question 2, First part: 
The second way is from the nature of the efficient cause. In the world of sense we find there is an order of efficient causes. There is no case known (neither is it, indeed, possible) in which a thing is found to be the efficient cause of itself; for so it would be prior to itself, which is impossible. Now in efficient causes it is not possible to go on to infinity, because in all efficient causes following in order, the first is the cause of the intermediate cause, and the intermediate is the cause of the ultimate cause, whether the intermediate cause be several, or only one. Now to take away the cause is to take away the effect. Therefore, if there be no first cause among efficient causes, there will be no ultimate, nor any intermediate cause. But if in efficient causes it is possible to go on to infinity, there will be no first efficient cause, neither will there be an ultimate effect, nor any intermediate efficient causes; all of which is plainly false. Therefore it is necessary to admit a first efficient cause, to which everyone gives the name of God.
Physicists may have explained the beginning of our universe with the THEORY of the 11th dimension and Membrane theory, but they have not explained the beginning of matter or time; that is because as Aquinas says that the first cause can have no beginning, and therefore must be God.
The other argument which the Physicists make which I can see no way of proving is that these parallel universes are exact copies of this current one, so that the is another YOU somewhere out there.  Granted the existence of other universes maybe "proved" mathematically but what happens in these other universes is sheer speculation.  The idea that there could be another ME is simply an attempt to destroy the unique creation of God which is ME.  There is no other creation that has my particular genetic makeup.  While I could concede the idea of 11 dimensions and multiple universes, that they would be exact duplicates of our universe, including another me, seems statistically impossible, mere speculation without physical proof (because we can never see these alternate universes), and a theological impossibility, because God created only on ME-- body and soul.  There is no scientific way to prove the existence of two ME's.  This is the problem of Science crossing over into faith that St. Pope Pius X warned about in Pascendi Dominici Gregis.  To read what St. Pope Pius X had to say about the problem of Science trying to be religion, click here.
Another interesting element with this cosmological approach is that it returns to the pagan idea that creation comes from some violence between the pagan gods.  Fr. Barron argues that God did not create out of violence but with a peaceful "Word."  This is the last point that Fr. Barron on the video linked here.

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