
Ascended Lies, Fallen Angels and False Prophets

I have to share an interview done with a man who has had ET contact ever since he can remember.
Which strikes a chord with me as I was a contactee from the time I can remember. The difference? He still clings to the belief in Ascension and that the beings that he has contact with are benevolent entities here to help mankind ascend along with planet Earth to the 5th dimension. I would not submit to the will of these entities and they turned on me. Yes, the friendly bluish Pleaidians that were "downloading" their language of symbols to me at night, and with whom I had many an adventure flying around with them and making crop circles! Yes, me and the three blue "wise guys" as they called themselves went all over the world at night making crop circles. They began to show me that crop circles would cease to be completely circular in shape and design and begin to look like DNA strands, and other "sacred" geometrical shapes in a lengthwise configuration. When I began to see them show up I knew I wasn't in Kansas anymore! Then they wanted more from me, and more of me, they wanted me to write a book that if published would make me a multi-millionaire. You see that didn't work on me, that isn't something I've ever strived for or dreamed of so their "hook" didn't work. I didn't desire fame either one of their other promises. So when I refused to submit fully to worshiping and giving my life to the "Light" god of which we were already supposed to be part of as Light Workers, Starseeds, Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow children, Shaman and others "evolved" in the ascension process, things got ugly. Ugly and painful and instead of making crop circles I was taken underground through long corridors and into massive caverns in which huge winged, dark demonic creatures dwelled. When I was brought before the throne of their leader and would not submit they took me through a portal into the Akashic records to show me what I had been in the past.

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