
Great Ancient Cults

There were four great ancient cults of power, which were known as the Stellar,LunarSolar, and the Saturnian.

The name Israel (Is Ra El) is derived from three deities of these ancient Cults:IsisRa and El (Moon, Sun and Saturn).

In the Bible we see that there were seven Churches (cults). Stellar, Lunar, Saturnian, Solar, VulcanusDionysian and Venusian.

These cults understood "divide and conquer" well.  Instead of competing with each other, they agreed to unification, so they could have total control over man.

Time itself was divided to reflect and commemorate the unification of the Cults.

The year round was broken down into 12 months to honor the Solar Cult. Their god was the sun and it’s number was 12. The next division of time was a month and, as the word's etymology indicates, this was sacred to the Lunar Cult, whose chief tutelary deity was the moon. The next division of time what that of a week, in which the 7 gods of the Stellar Cult are honored.

These are today's days of the week. The worshippers of the god Saturn were given Saturday as a day of feast.

Time was attributed to this planet (god) since it moves so gradually, and the longer cycles of time where attributed to it.

The hands of a physical timepiece have, for generations, concealed and revealed this sectioning of time according to the Cults. The hour hand represents Horus, the sun. The minute hand stands for Min, the moon-god. The fast moving second hand stands for Mercury, the god of the Stellar Cult, as do the 12 divisions.

On elaborately designed watches and clocks, the hands often display circles upon them, to illustrate that they represent planetary orbs. The word year derives from the Egyptianyehrah, and it signified the Lunar Year. It was very important to the Egyptians to observe the passages of the moon.

Even under the Atonist period the moon was considered important and was referred to as "silver Aton."

During the tenure of the Stellar Cults women held superior positions in society, religion and government. One of the main reasons why the knowledge of the Sidereal Cult is kept obscure is to keep women divorced from their true power.

Christ even remonstrates to his disciples "Be ye as wise as Serpents." This doesn’t make much sense until we discover that the serpent was the prime symbol of the Stellar Cult, the "wise-ones" of old.

Now you begin to understand why the serpent was considered negatively later by Christians.

One of the most important and familiar idioms of the Christian religion is the so-called Lord's Prayer. Not many people have asked where it came from. Most people trust what is written in the Gospels about its origin.

It is from the Maxims of Ani that the so-called "Lord's Prayer" of Christianity was plagiarized.

From the Maxims of Ani, the papyrus found by Mariette Bey and now kept in Boulaq Museum we read passages that incontestably influenced the composers of the Old Testament.
The god of this Earth is the ruler of the horizon – Our Father, which art in heaven
The god is for making great his name. Devote yourself to the adoration of his name – Hallowed be Thy Name
Give your god existence – Thy kingdom come
He will do thy business – Thy will be done
His likeness is upon the Earth In earth, as it is in heaven – Our Father, which art in heaven
God is given incense and food offerings daily – Give us this day our daily bread
The god will judge the true and honest and forgive our debtors – And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us
Guard against the thing that god abominates – And lead us not into temptation
Preserve me from decay – But deliver us from evil
God is the king of the horizon – For thine is the kingdom
He magnifies he whoever magnifies him – The power, and the glory
Let tomorrow be as today – For ever and ever Amen
Once the veil is lifted, you begin to see the similarities:
Do not enter into the house of another, but know that if he invites you, it is an honor for you. When you enter a divine sanctuary avoid noise, and respect the house of God.
Pray humbly with a sincere heart so that all your words are said in secret. Then God will listen to your message and will accept your offerings.

Always remember that it is your God that gives and decides on your existence, and think of him continually, tomorrow as today.

The God of this world lives in light, above the firmament, but his emblems are on earth. Do not dispute his mysteries and you will see the divine one give the sun to make all vegetation grow, to make food for man to feed himself.
Do not be rough with your woman when you know that she looks after your house. Recognize her merits and put your hand in hers. Doing otherwise will sow misfortune, and show a bad example for your children. They will lose a source of peace and happiness.
"The burden of Egypt. Behold, the Lord rideth upon a swift cloud, and shall come into Egypt: and the idols of Egypt shall be moved at his presence, and the heart of Egypt shall meet in the midst of it. And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians and they shall fight every one against his brother, and every one against his neighbor...And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst thereof " – Isaiah 19:1
The question that arises is, why was Egypt, this magnificent seat of learning and culture, such a "burden" to the Christian Emperors and Bishops?

Once you begin to understand the root of these beliefs, you begin to see that much of the Bible is the personification of Stellar (cult) phenomena.  There is a reason why we find 4 gospels.

The four "Gospels" are representations of the four cardinal points of the zodiac.

The Bible is an outgrowth of the Torah, and the Torah is an outgrowth of the Tarot, in fact they are the same word, meaning Law, or Way, same as Tao.

The 4 Types have always been symbolized by the 4 elements, Fire, Water, Air and Earth.  The Four Gospels were a representation of the four elements.

With the Tarot there are Wands, Cups, Swords, Disks.

And with playing cards, you have,  Clubs, Hearts, Spades and Diamonds.

In ordinary playing cards, the Joker represents the one who has nucleated the four, and integrated within each of these divisions. He wears the four colors of the 4 suits, because he is "four in one."
The design of the Pyramid, its four faces rising to a singular apex, was also a seminal symbol of the unification of the four modalities of being.  Christ upon the Cross, and Pharaoh upon his cuboid throne also refer to this greatest of mysteries.

The story of the primal parents at the Tree of Life, the mysterious serpent and the temptation are all derived from Egyptian Siderealmyth. Egypt was known by alien nations as the “Land of the Tree and the Serpent."

The Female body was called the Tree of Life and like a tree the female produced fruit, which was known as the “circular ovum.”

In the Book of Genesis or Genisis, Isis was the supreme mother goddess of Egypt. Genesis means "genes of Isis, or even "generation (progeny), of Isis."

Isis is the later Eve and Mary, the virgin queens. The Book of Genesis is therefore a book of genes, relating to the human DNA – the real “Tree of Life.”

The serpent and the apple were symbols of the sperm and the ovum. The "biting of the apple" was always a connotation for the sperm entering the ovum.

ISIS (the word) squeezed together gives us the american dollar symbol, also curiously we find a pyramid on the dollar bill)

Many of the anecdotes and stories in New Testament have to do with the astronomical phenomena called the "Precession of the Equinoxes.
The Age of Pisces

The Christian Mythos coincided with the Age of Pisces. This is the reason why there is much in the way of water symbolism in the New Testament. There is the mention of Baptism, the fact that the disciples were mostly fishermen. Then there is the walking on the water, the washing the feet of the disciples, the feeding of the five thousand with two fish, etc. The Christians still use the symbol of the fish to symbolize Jesus. The letters of the word Jesus Christ the Savior of the World, in Latin, give the word for fish. The Pope wears the "Ring of the Fisherman," and the Pope's headdress is a "fish head."  The early Christians were called the "Little Fishes."

In the Old Testament we read about the prophet Jonah being swallowed by the whale or the great fish.

All the imagery of the chapters and verses of the New Testament can be related to the Precessional phenomena, and easily lends itself to the understanding that this is the probable reason why it was composed.

It was never meant to be a biography.

The 33 years of Christ's Ministry

This number connects directly with the zodiac and the movement of the sun around it. The sun takes 2,160 years to pass backward through one sign of 30 degrees. Now this number 2160 or its shorter version 216, is a number that turns up in megalithic construction throughout the world and was encoded into most of the cyclopean structures, to represent the Serpent or Sidereal Cults who were the Magi, or astrologers.

It takes 2,160 years for the sun to clear a house.

In degrees this is 30. But the sun enters at the 30th degree but is not totally clear until the 33rd degree, as it is of a certain size. Interestingly, in the Bible its stated, that the ministry of Christ begins at 30 and finishes at 33.

The number is connected to the initiation of the "Sun" of god not "Son," passing through the zodiac. This is why the Freemasonic lodges also utilize the number.

There are also 33 vertebrae in the spinal column.

The 12 Disciples

Jesus sent 72 Unofficial disciples, not counting the 12 disciples which refers to the twelve houses or signs of the zodiac that are found on or very near to the ecliptic. The ecliptic is the path of the sun around the zodiac. There are more than twelve constellations, in fact if you count all the constellations there are 72, not including the 12.

These extra-zodiacal constellations are called the paranatellons. They also pay homage to the passing sun. It was written that Jesus had 12 official servants and 72 others that also carried the message.

The symbol of the Arthurian Round Table is also a motif that is based on the round of the zodiac. Now these paranatellons are the leitmotif behind innumerable other Biblical and mythical stories.

Since most people are not conversant with these constellations and their esoteric relevance they do not notice when they turn up either in fiction or art, architecture or commercially.

Creation in Six Days

This refers to a period of 2,160 x 6 or 12,960 (a number found encoded in almost all the sacred megalithic structures and temple complexes of the world). A Precessional "day" is 2,160 years long. This is 1 degree every 72 years for a sign of 30 degrees.

The number 2,160 was considered so sacred that its mystery was rarely mentioned to the common.

Instead of it, the number 666 was used. (6x6x6 = 216.) Can you begin to see the reason why the orthodox Christian hierarchies have made this number out to be satanic. When in fact, it has much to do with Astro-Theology, astrology and the Stellar Cult, with a particular powerful meaning. The Jewish did the same thing with the word Adonai, which they uttered in place of Jehovah.

There is nothing "satanic" about the number 666.
"Let him who hath understanding, reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number.' –Revelation 13:8
Man is in the womb for 9 months. Upon his birth, he is forever circumambulated by the wheel of the zodiac, and for his personal life of the earth upon which he lives. Nine months is 270 days. The wheel of the zodiac like all circles and cycles that man will live in, is defined by 360, which is the sacred numeral (36) of the sun.  

270 + 360 + 36 = 666 (the Human Number)

Moreover, all the numbers between 1 and 36, again make 666. The number 36 has long been connected to cycles and to the zodiac.

The EtruscansGreeks and Romans, all had calendars of ten months of thirty-six days.

Additionally, as modern biologists have discovered, the human gene is made up of 23 chromosomes. 2 divided by 3 equals .666 (The Human Number - # of the Beast)

This in no way exhausts the depth of significance of the number 666.

The Bible also mentions Christ as the good "Shepherd.”

Egyptian Pharaohs and priests of knowledge were referred to as the "Good Shepherds." The "Flocks" that they watched by night were the stars in the night sky, as they were all Siderealists. This is why we read that the Magi, as well as the "Shepherds," following the bright star, knew of the place of birth of the Solar King, Jesus Christ.

The word "Shepherd" was a euphemism for "astrologer," for it is they who "follow," the stars.

I live deep in the country and every night I go out onto my porch and look up to the heavens, as the darkness lends itself generously, so that I may wonder in glory of the beauty of the stars, and get so desperately lost.

Could this be what is wrong with the world today?  We are all just lost?

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