
NASA Captures Orbs Near Sun

What you are seeing here is a "SOLID OBJECT" It's not compression artifacts, pixels or dust.

Below is the official NASA website Astronomy Picture of the Day, on the picture below you can see a sphere passing by the Sun, the sphere is Mercury and it has an uncanny resemblance to the spheres Mr. Joseph Gurman of NASA dismissed as "Compression artifacts, highly magnified".

Mercury Spotting
SOHO - EIT Consortium, ESA, NASA
Explanation: Can you spot the planet? The diminutive disk of Mercury, the solar system's innermost planet, spent about five hours crossing in front of the enormous solar disk on 2003 May 7, as viewed from the general vicinity of planet Earth. The Sun was above the horizon during the entire transit for observers in Europe, Africa, Asia, or Australia, and the horizon was certainly no problem for the sun-staring SOHO spacecraft. Seen as a dark spot, Mercury progresses from left to right (top panel to bottom) in these four images from SOHO's extreme ultraviolet camera. The panels' false-colors correspond to different wavelengths in the extreme ultraviolet which highlight regions above the Sun's visible surface. This was the first of 14 transits of Mercury which will occur during the 21st century, but the next similar event will be a much more rare transit of Venus this coming Tuesday.

Need help spotting Mercury?

When asked for an explanation from Mr. Joseph Gurman at NASA about the spheres/orbs, he states these anomalies are, "Compression artifacts, highly magnified."

That sounds very plausible especially coming from a NASA scientists, one big problem with Mr. Gurman's explanation though, if these spheres are compression artifacts, why then did they only start appearing on the 17th of January this year, they would have been there since the first day SOHO began sending photo's back to Earth!

"Compression artifacts, highly magnified. The images you are looking at are "space weather beacon mode" images that are telemetered down nearly continuously [see website]
"In near-realtime, and are both binned (undersampled spatially) and heavily, lossily compressed digitally onboard (analogous to the various JPEG compression setting son a digital camera, but much more severe). Usually, by now (that is, three days or more after the data were obtained), we'd have the full-resolution (2048 x 2048) images, which are much less heavily, but still lossily, compressed, and are played back to a Deep Space Network (DSN) ground station via the high-gain antenna on one of the STEREO spacecraft. Unfortunately, a piece of ground hardware at DSN failed, and we're only slowly catching up on data from January 18 onward --- except the lower-resolution (256 x 256 or 512 x 512) beacon mode data."

"The compression artifacts are particularly obvious when a particle (cosmic ray or solar energetic, charged particle) hits the CCD detector on the spacecraft. The compression scheme has a hard time mathematically representing sharp, single or few-pixel features, and you get a characteristic pattern of a bright dot in the middle of a compression block (a subsection of the image) surrounded by a pattern of dark dots."  -- (Dr.) Joseph B. Gurman, STEREO Project Scientist

It's interesting to note, The Russians claim their telescope TESIS stopped working on the 18th of January due to a faulty battery, just as NASA claimed SOHO malfunctioned on the same day, Both one day after these spheres showed up! [source]

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